Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Versatile blogger award!

Oh my!  Thank you to Amy at Adventures in Teaching for awarding me my first blogging award!

The rules for this award are….
1. Thank the Blogger who nominated you.
2. Include a link to their site.
3. Include the award image to your post.
4. Include the award image on your blog.
5. Give 7 random facts about yourself.
6. Nominate 15 other bloggers for the award.
7. When nominating other bloggers, include links to their sites.
8. Let those bloggers know they have been nominated.

Soooo...seven random facts.  Here goes!

1.) I have wanted to be a teacher ever since I was young.  The only time I briefly considered an alternative - psychology - was in 11th grade, but I felt so empty inside to think of not teaching, that I immediately scrapped that idea after about 3 days.

2.) I have been bitten by the travel bug - hard core.  And I usually end up taking crazy trips in condensed time frames.  For example, in the summer of 2008 I traveled to both Argentina and Zambia.  And then in the summer of 2010 I traveled to both Hong Kong and Guatemala.  I broke the trend this summer though, because I don't have any far away adventures planned. :/

3.) I'm really, really afraid of tornadoes, even though I've never been in one.  I don't even think I've managed to watch the movie Twister all the way through.  *shudder*

4.) I go through phases where I try to teach myself how to play the guitar.  So far I've had about three phases.  I even took a basic guitar class at my local community college one semester!  But inevitably I get busy, and then I forget to practice, and poor guitar just sits.  Maybe I'll bring him out soon and try again!

5.) I am absolutely terrible with directions.  I've gotten lost in my hometown city before.  My GPS is probably close to my best friend.

6.) I had to wear braces twice.  Twice.  And that included having them on for my senior picture, and during graduation giving my valedictorian speech.  I only /just/ got them off the week before I moved away for college.  But looking back now, I am incredibly thankful that I had them, as my teeth look so much better!

7.) I love to re-read favorite books and re-watch favorite movies.  Some of my friends don't understand why I would read something again if I've already read it and know how the story ends...but I feel it's not so much just about the conclusion, but about the development of the plot along the way too.  Am I alone in this thought?

And now...for nominations!  I nominate:

I chose your blogs to nominate because I love so many of the ideas I have seen from each of you, and always look forward to your new posts! :)


  1. Congrats! Thanks for linking up on my "Blogs of Inspiration" Best wishes on your new blog.
    Happy Teaching,

    TIPS: Teach, Inspire, and Prepare Students

  2. Thank you so much! I'm your newest follower!

    fourth grade fanatics

  3. Thanks for the award, I love following other bilingual teachers too.

    1. Congrats on your award! I just found your blog, and I am also awarding you the One Lovely Blog award. Be sure to stop by my site and check it out!

      Your newest follower,

