Stephanie at 3rd Grade Thoughts added more items to her package of "Brain Breaks" and is holding a raffle for a $10 certificate to her TPT store as a celebration! Go check it out - you won't regret it!
And Sara at Fourth Grade Fanatics is celebrating her blog and holding a raffle for a $10 certificate for TPT as well as a $10 Target gift certificate! Another give-away you won't want to miss!!

Finally, although this one isn't a give-away, Kate at EduKate and Inspire posted about a website called Scootpad that offers students the opportunity to practice the Common Core standards in a really neat way! She is much more eloquent in her description of what the site can do, so you definitely want to go read her post! :)

Enjoy, friends!!

Thanks for the shout out, Stephanie! And thanks for describing my writing style as eloquent... bahaha! Glad you think so :) I will actually be having my fist giveaway very soon. Stay tuned!
EduKate and Inspire
Going to check out those brain breaks. I went to an Eric Jensen workshop last year "Teaching with Poverty in mind" and came back with so many brain breaks. I tried them all year and I can tell you that they really work. I am going to Eric Jensen again this year. Actually it is this whole week, "Teaching with the Brain in Mind" I'll be posting about it all week! I am so excited!