We've reached the last step in the SIOP framework!
Lesson Preparation
Building Background
Comprehensible Input
Lesson Delivery
This final component reminds teachers that review and assessment should be present throughout any lesson plan framework. Teachers need to take time to explicitly review key terms and concepts with their students. Feedback should be constructive and timely, and teachers should use information gained through assessment to further guide their instruction. This component contains the last four features:
27. Comprehensive review of key vocabulary
Multiple exposures to new vocabulary terminology build familiarity, confidence, and language proficiency. Terms can be reviewed through paraphrasing or in a more systematic manner. The more exposure to these words that students have, the better they will be able to remember and learn them.
28. Comprehensive review of key concepts
Just as it is important for vocabulary to be reviewed, concepts also need to be reviewed, especially at the close of a lesson. This review is often informal, but still needs to be planned with careful thought. Stopping to summarize between paragraphs or sections in a text is a good example of this type of review.
29. Regular feedback provided to students on their output
Feedback needs to be supportive and validating. Teachers can use feedback as a way to model correct English usage, and also to scaffold students to further proficiency. Teachers can provide feedback through oral or written responses, or even through facial expressions and body language.
30. Assessment of student comprehension and learning of all objectives throughout the lesson
Review and assessment are an ongoing process. However, it is important to note the distinction between the terms "assessment" and "evaluation" - assessment is gathering data about student learning, while evaluation is making judgments about student learning. Assessment is periodic review throughout the lesson to determine student learning, as linked to content and language objectives. This can be group-administered or individual, oral or written.
*Thumbs up/down - could be used for true/false or yes/no responses.
*Response boards - using individual dry-erase boards for an informal review of math equations, spelling words, etc, etc.
*Number 1 to 3 for self assessment - students can indicate how well they believe they met the objectives (1=I didn't/can't meet the objective; 2=I didn't/cant meet the objective, but I made progress; 3=I fully met the objective), or however the teacher decides to phrase it.
What are some other ways that you review and assess your students in your classroom?
Next Saturday's topic: Wrapping up the SIOP model