Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Currently...halfway through October

I'm way behind the ball this month.  Actually I've been hiding from my blog for a while.  But first, I'll link up to Farley's October CURRENTLY.

Listening:  I've been suspicious of my fridge for a while.  I have it on the lowest cold setting right now, but I'm still not convinced that it is functioning properly.  Help!  Someone with fridge experience, advise me what to do or what to look for to know if it's working or if I need to tell landlord to replace it!

Loving:  Yay fall, my favorite season! :)

Thinking: Part of the reason I've kind of been avoiding my blog, and all teaching blogs lately.  I still feel like I'm so under water and drowning in everything that I have to know and do.  It's not just because I've switched schools - I've done that every year.  It's not just because I've switched grades - I've done that almost every year.  It's something more than that.  I'm just... tired.  I always feel like I'm never getting anything done, and I feel like I can never catch up.  Teaching just isn't FUN anymore.  It just feels like a lot of drudge work.  And I know I'm not alone in feeling this.  When I finally decided to look at teacher blogs again, one of the first posts I was greeted with was Farley's post echoing my own sentiments.  I don't know.  I feel so conflicted about everything. And...just lost.  Siiiiiigh.

Wanting: A break.  That's all.

Needing: same same.

Book: "The First Forest" - I'm not up on all my cutesy Halloween books, but this one does talk about the changing of the seasons in a pretty creative way, so we'll go with that.


  1. Hey, I'm so glad I found your blog through the Currently link! I'm in the process of getting my ESL endorsement as we speak and I, too, changed grades this year and feel totally overwhelmed with all the newness of it all. Our school also just began a brand new reading program that is quite overwhelming just by itself. Hang in there! I hope things look up for you soon! I'm your newest follower. :)
    Classroom Compulsion

  2. I'm sorry you are feeling blue about teaching. I won't lie and say I haven't felt the same before. You already know those stories. ;) Hang in there. It has been an emotional year...give it time. That's what I keep telling myself. You are an amazing teacher...you can do it!

    BTW...I just read The First Forest yesterday and the kids loved it! It is also one of my favorites.

  3. Wow, I sense a theme with teaching this year. I am also very TIRED. I found you through farley's Oh Boy 4th Grade and her rule of 3.


  4. I hear you! I wish teaching could just be teaching and less paper pushing! Hang in there! I appreciate your blog as a resource. To help save time in my planning I've been using this site as a resource: Teacher Clipart Borders

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